Emergency Dental Pain Management

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Emergency Dental Pain Management

Toothaches can be a real nuisance, especially when they happen at moments when we least expect it. They can make chewing, drinking, talking or even sleeping difficult. The dental nerves are linked to the brain, and sometimes toothaches may cause migraines or normal headaches. They can affect our activities, and turn us into unproductive beings. Having an emergency dental pain management plan in place is important for any dental clinic. At Nairobi Sterling Dental clinic, we offer this emergency dental pain management response to our clients.

An annoying thing about toothaches is that they happen at the moment when we least expect them. You might be on your way to work, or in the middle of a meeting and then a throbbing pain hits you from your teeth. In most cases, you have no solution to this, and the only thing you want is to get a remedy for the pain. Dental pain can be nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. At such a point, seeking a dentist’s help may be important. You could visit our clinic at the Park Suite Building in Parklands Nairobi for a check-up.  Alternatively, you could contact us and talk to our doctors who will give you instructions on what to do.

emergency dental pain

Toothaches may arise from other dental defects such as tooth decay, gum diseases, tooth sensitivity, or impacted teeth. They may also arise due to infections on teeth or inflammation of the pulp. Another cause of dental pain might be an abscessed tooth. Breaking or cracking of teeth due to injury or grinding might also cause dental pains. Our doctors are experienced in dealing with dental pains. They will perform a series of pain-relieving treatments at the clinic. They could also recommend home care treatments to patients who reach out to them through calls seeking help. Some of these remedies include:

Use of painkillers- The dentist may recommend pain relieving medication such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Aleve. These target inflammations and give the patient some relief. He may also prescribe the use of acetaminophen which is an effective pain reliever. One should however read the instructions well before using these medications.

Toothache drops and gels– The doctor may apply or recommend you to get some medicated toothache drops and gels to reduce the pain. These products contain ingredients such as benzocaine, which numbs the area it is applied to, this effectively relieves the pan.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse- Hydrogen peroxide rinse may help offer temporary relief to pain. A diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide works to relieve pain. Mix 1 part of hydrogen with 2 parts of water. Swish the mixture in your mouth for about 60 seconds and spit it out without swallowing. Be sure to rinse your mouth with clean water afterward.

Ice packs– Ice can be helpful for facial swelling or an injury to your mouth. Ice constricts blood vessels, which can reduce pain. You can apply an ice pack or a bag of ice wrapped in a towel to your jaw or face at 15-minute intervals. Don’t eat or chew the ice cubes. The hard ice can damage your teeth even more.

Home care treatments- The dentist may recommend home care treatments, especially for patients at home.  These include the use of ginger, which contains an allicin compound. Allicin has antimycobacterial properties and kills bacteria associated with toothache. Peppermint tea is also recommended as it helps numb the painful parts of the mouth. Another home care remedy is aloe vera. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It helps ease pain related to gum disease and other irritation in the mouth.

In instances where you have dental pains, it is not advisable to chew hard foods since this increases the pain. Drinking hot drinks is also not advisable, since it also increases sensitivity and pain.  Smoking during this period is bad, and so is chewing tobacco. Tobacco increases the chances of tooth rot, which can aggravate the pain. It is also not safe to brush or floss teeth too hard. This wears off the enamel, and damages teeth further. The best course of action to take at such a moment is to seek dental pain relief.

Takeaway Note.

Dental pain causes us unexpected trouble, and can as well ruin your day. Dental pain can also be a symptom of overlying dental conditions. It is therefore advisable to seek medical services should you experience extreme or constant pain. At Nairobi Sterling Dental clinic, we have a team of dental experts ready to help patients with emergency dental pains. Our clinic is located in Parklands, at the Park Suite Building. It is open to all at any time. One could also contact our clinic and talk to our specialist should they have an emergency or booking of an appointment.