cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry in Nairobi

Ever asked yourself what it takes to get a perfectly complete smile? Have you wondered what it takes to get a killer smile like the one from your favourite celebrities? Have you dreamt of getting a smile so wonderful that it leaves all that witness it in awe and admiration? Do you crave the attention that only a smile can give? Or maybe you feel like your smile isn’t good enough and that given a chance you would perfect it? Do wish to have pearl-white teeth, to complement your whole look and enhance the beauty of your face? Maybe you do feel insecure about your looks and are looking for a way out of your supposed trouble. If you are in these tribulations and are asking yourself these questions, we have some good news for you. The answers to all your queries lie in cosmetic dentistry, and the Nairobi Sterling dental clinic is pleased to bring this service near you.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dental practice that is aimed at improving the appearance of the mouth, teeth and smile. It is performed by a cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentistry is based on the aesthetic and presentation values of our teeth. It is an oral care treatment to boost one’s look, enhancing their general appearance. Unlike other dental procedures, cosmetic dentistry is purely elective or rather optional. One can choose to have it done or not, depending on their perception of its importance. This is what separates it from standard or procedural dentistry. It would be unwise to abate its impotence since it also helps in enhancing better oral hygiene. Cosmetic dentistry can be done in different ways, each with its procedure and importance.

What are the procedures used in cosmetic dentistry?

There are seven types of procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry. These are:

  1. Tooth whitening.

This is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. it can be performed at the dentist’s office in just a single visit. It is a procedure done to eliminate discolouration on teeth, leaving them pearl-bright white. Over years, our teeth may pick up stains from food, drinks, medication and other personal behaviour like smoking. The stains settle on teeth, giving them a brownish or dark appearance. A tooth whitening procedure is done in a series of steps. The dental hygienist removes plaque, tartar and debris material from the surface of the teeth, which restores their natural appearance. Afterwards, the teeth are whitened by the use of bleaching agents to attain even lighter shades than the natural appearance. Tooth whitening is fast, safe and one of the cheapest cosmetic procedures. It gives your teeth a durable, lighter shade of up to 8 times brighter, for about 4 years.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Nairobi
  1. Dental bonding

This is used for the repair of decayed, discoloured, damaged or cracked teeth. It involves the use of a hard plastic resin material that resembles tooth enamel. A durable and putty-like resin plastic material is applied to the surface of the teeth. It is then bonded and hardened onto the tooth’s surface by the use of ultraviolet or laser light. This covers the damaged tooth, making it appear like a normal and healthy tooth instead. The dentist then trims, shapes and polishes the material to blend it onto the surface of the tooth. In instances where the tooth is affected by decay, the dentist first clears out the decay and debris material. He then cleans the tooth and sterilizes it to kill germs and bacteria. Bonding is then performed afterwards. Dental bonding is one of the cheapest cosmetic dentistry procedures available. It is also safe, highly efficient and relieving for people with damaged teeth.

  1. Dental veneers.

Dental veneers are thin, white shells manufactured from medical-grade ceramic, porcelain or resin. They are used to repair crooked, cracked, chipped or darkly discoloured teeth that can’t be corrected by whitening. Veneers are also used to correct damaged enamel and gaps on teeth. They are custom-made to match the colours and fit your teeth. Dental veneer fitting involves gently filing the enamel of the tooth for about half a millimetre. We then capture an impression of the tooth and take it to our labs for customization. Our cosmetic dentists will then fit you with temporary veneers until the permanent ones are available. Veneers are attached to the surface of teeth through adhesive materials, to bond them well.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Nairobi
  1. Dental crowns.

Dental crowns are also known as dental caps. They are fitted above the damaged teeth and replace them entirely above the gumline. This helps to restore, resize and reshape the affected tooth. It also strengthens the damaged tooth and makes it healthier and more useful. Dental crowns are also used to aid in regaining the structural orientation of teeth and help in tooth alignment. They are mostly used for decayed, cracked, chipped, completely miscoloured or severely damaged teeth, maybe from an accident. Crowns can also be used to cover other dental procedures such as enamel filling, root canals, dental bridges and dental implants. At our clinic, dental crowns are also custom-made. We use our dental X-rays to visualize the tooth’s position and capture an impression. We then send it to our labs and the dental crown is made here. At the clinic, We have all the facilities and materials needed to produce quality, reliable and trustable dental crowns. 

  1. Inlays and Onlays.

This cosmetic dentistry procedure is also known as indirect fillings, which are produced in a dental laboratory. They are made from composite material, gold or porcelain, and attached to the tooth through an adhesive dental cement. These treatments are used when a tooth has mild to moderate decay or insufficient tooth structure to support a filling. As long as there is no damage to the tooth cusps, the inlay is placed directly onto the tooth surface. However, there are instances when the cusp or a more significant portion of the tooth is damaged. In such cases, the dentist may use Onlays to cover the tooth’s entire surface. Inlays and Onlays are used as alternatives to dental crowns. They also help in strengthening teeth, preventing further decay, restoring their shape as well as aiding in their structure. 

What are the requirements involved?

At our clinic, we offer all the above cosmetic dentistry procedures. Anyone can be a candidate for any of the procedures, so don’t shy away from seeking the treatment you need. We however advise that one starts with a dental consultation with our team of dental specialists first.  During the consultation, our medics enquire about your objectives and expectations from the treatment you seek. This can help them know which treatment is best for you, and offer specialized guides where necessary. They also conduct a physical examination of your dental, and recommend necessary tests, if any. Consultations are insightful since you not only learn for the best but also get to choose the best treatment for your defect. We have cutting-edge technology devices such as digital dental X-rays and other test analysis devices. This helps to ensure you have the most accurate results for your tests and get the most appropriate treatment.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is the best solution to enhance the appearance of your teeth. Procedures such as tooth whitening help in restoring the colour of teeth and even add some glow to them. Dental crowns and other procedures help in boosting the strength and structure of teeth, while also aiding in their functions. Cosmetic dentistry helps in the alignment of teeth and closing off unwanted gaps. They are cheap, affordable and highly efficient. The benefits are not only physical but also psychological. They help boost one’s confidence which makes their life more engaging and happier. Furthermore, they also promote healthy dental hygiene to maintain nice looks. 

A note from Nairobi sterling dental clinic.

At the Nairobi sterling dental clinic, we believe that your smile should be your best feature of you. Your smile should bring joy to you and those around you. We commit ourselves to helping you attain a smile that will command admiration from those who witness it. You don’t have to keep wishing you had a perfect smile. Nairobi Sterling dental clinic gives you a chance to actualize this dream and get yourself a perfect smile. Visit us today at the Park Suite building and start your journey to brighten your smile and your life in general. You could also contact us to book a consultation with our dental specialists. Nairobi Sterling dental clinic gives you a better smile, better teeth and better health all in one. 

Cosmetic Dentistry in Nairobi